
September is my very favorite month of all for the Flowering Gazebo because of the total transformation which begins with the growth of the Morning Glories. When I first dreamed of this gazebo in my head, I imagined a shelter totally smothered under the growth of the foliage above. Very dependant upon the heat, rain and cold of nights, September begins this transformation.

You will see some years where by mid-month the MORNING GLORIES are in full flower, creating such an amazing display. Some years, because it's either been drier or the evenings are cooler, the foliage is really starting to grow but the flowers are not as many as they are very sensitive to the temperatures. Morning Glories open very early in the morning and close in the afternoon with the heat from the sun; if it's a cloudy overcast day they may last into late afternoon.

Open this folder for a very revealing tour of the Island to show you what it looks like during the beginning half of September and the last half.

Because the Waterfall was built during summer of 2017 my photos may not match September flowers or plants; some pictures may have fallen leaves or autumn colored foliage which comes a few weeks later. I felt it important to include photos in each folder so you would see what it looks like should this be the only folder you see. This upcoming season will be a time of planting and helping it look more established than just bare boulders. Know that it will only become more beautiful as time goes on and new photos will be available after the upcoming season.