
My season does not begin until no sooner than the third week of May as the plant material may not be at it's fullest and the Island soil is still too soft for foot traffic. My primary concern is the care of the Island; my commitment to the end of the season couples is for as much beauty as it is for the June couples.

Open this folder for a very revealing tour of the Island to show you what it looks like during the last couple weeks of May.

Because the Waterfall was built during summer of 2017 my photos do not match May flowers or plants; some pictures may have fallen leaves or autumn colored foliage. I felt it important to include photos in each folder so you would see what it looks like should this be the only folder you see. This upcoming season will be a time of planting and helping it look more established than just bare boulders. Know that it will only become more beautiful as time goes on and new photos will be available after the upcoming season.